P-Bandai HG Engage Gundam Review | Gundam U.C. Engage

This is the HG Engage Gundam, the finalized plans that combines the Blossom and Engage Zero that were scrapped in the end.

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Here we go, another dive into the non-canon breach. This time taking a look at the namesake Gundam of the UC Engage app, the Engage Gundam. And truth be told, it’s just another solid but generic model kit, with the addition of the Core Defenser not adding much to enrich the package. But, that doesn’t mean it’s middling in quality, as the visuals on all the offerings were absolutely well-done, and weapon implementation is fine. It’s the articulation that makes this kit suffer since the arms are relatively restricted. I guess another way of describing this kit is that it’s decent without major faults, but not that engaging.

Release Info (0:00)
Unbox (0:21)
Aesthetics (1:06)
Articulation (2:07)
Accessories (3:06)
Verdict (4:54)
Closing (5:56)

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1/144 Gunpla Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7cYZrrUn_6CwWGFYKnfPJoKeFMzZ8Gu

1/100 Gunpla Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7cYZrrUn_6gUf2xFcngVaz5jah9TSaz

Custom Build Profiles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7cYZrrUn_7GURjKPaAwVXjlWEStwPp_

MS Files: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7cYZrrUn_7TaWb4qaG34TAfYLjfIHOs

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❗Disclaimer: This video is a one-person project, so please understand if any mistakes occur.

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