MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE: Gundam + G-Fighter & Amuro Ray Showcase!

Gameplay clip of the Gundam + G-Fighter [M0333] & Amuro Ray [C0229], both of which became available through Unit Assembly on March 4th, 2025. The Gundam + G-Fighter is a Purple Type Sniper Unit that comes with the G-Fighter’s Twin Large-Caliber Beam Cannon and the RX-78-2 Gundam’s iconic Beam Rifle, which also comes as a [Strong Attack] variant for the third weapon. The unit gets a long list of skills, including increased movement speed, evasion, max HP, EX gauge recovery, and max damage at the start of a battle along with increased beam damage depending on how much HP the unit has remaining. However, the unit also faces decreased movement speed, evasion, and EX gauge recovery if HP falls below 50%. The EX Skill, Beam Rifle + Twin Large-Caliber Beam Cannon, deals double ATK damage to one targeted enemy as well as increase evasion to self. The version of Amuro Ray that pairs with this unit has skills that increase ranged sense for “Purple” type and “One Year War” and “High Firepower” category units at the start of battle, increase accuracy for “Support Unit” and “Sub-Flight System” units at the start of battle, and increased ranged sense for “Sniper” category units upon dealing damage.

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