Gundam U.C Engage : “Gundam series ” part 7

Google plays description:
Enjoy a robot/mech game featuring 3D mobile suits in the world of Gundam

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE is a game of war robots in the Gundam series.
You can enjoy an animated depiction of the UNIVERSAL CENTURY world of Gundam and a new storyline that combines animation and battle!
Lets play a powerful mech game by 6 vs. 6 battles with realistic 3D mobile suits in an easy-to-use/auto-play mech battle game!
A strategic simulation game recommended for fans of mecha and robot games!

You can play online battles with users all over the world.
Build your own Mobile Suit squad and get ready for the battle.

■ “MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM U.C. ENGAGE” is recommended for people who…
Like fighting games with robot and mecha.
Want to play robot battle/war games.
Like war robot games.
Want to play advanced strategy games.
Want to play robot games with beautiful graphics.
Want to play strategic games with mech/robots.
Often play games with mechs and robots.
Have played with Gunpla or robot/mech games before.
Have been into Gunpla or mecha model kits.
Like mech/robot that is committed to the details.

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